Travis - CATTLE DECAPITATION par VSGREG - 1652 lectures
Cattle Decapitaion sort son second album avec une pochette toujours aussi speciale pour un groupe qui l'est tout aussi !

Your brand new cd "Humanure" is just released. Can you tell us more about it, the recordings sessions, the songs, your objectives etc ?
Actually it doesn't come out for almost a month! Haha… The recording went great. We think this is much better than To Serve Man. Production wise, song wise, everything. We recorded the drums at a studio in Burbank, CA and tracked everything else at my house! Bill Metoyer brought all his gear down and we set up a studio in the practice place in the backyard. We're going to be doing a ton of touring for this album. It's going to be crazy.

"Humanure" is your newest stuff. I'm curious about it style: how different is this one than the previous?
It's not so different than To Serve Man musically, but production wise, playing wise, it's much better. To Serve Man and Humanure are very different from our earlier stuff in that the songs are much longer, much more melodic and way more ''death metal''. Humanure is a way better record than anything we've done recently. The first 2 records' style was so different that it's kind of hard to compare it to Humanure.

No harmonizers are used on your vocals. Why do you think it is important to make it clear ? What opinions do you have regarding vocalists who use such effects ?
It started out as a joke, but there definitely aren't any effects on there. A lot of people think that bands that do gutteral vocals use effects, and fuck that. On Humanure, it says the vocals were 100% organic. I thought that was kind of funny. If you have any kind of style then you don't need to use effects. And I don't think bands use effects as an effect, they use them to sound like they're completely brutal and that's cheating.

What would be Cattle Decapitaion without a band like CARCASS ?
Good question. Probably wouldn't exist! We're not a Carcass clone by any means, but we are definitely inspired since day one. Not so much on To Serve Man or Humanure though. And they probably won't directly inspire any of our future output either. Not consciously, that's just how it is.

Who would you classify as your band 's influences, both musically and lyrically? I suppose, these are not death metal acts only?
Well, a lot of power metal actually. Troy writes the majority of our songs and he listens to tons of power metal. Lyrically, I am just a disgusting weirdo and I don't pull from my influences too much. Carcass, definitely, but I don't even think about it.

Which bands would you compare the band with ?
I guess if you like Napalm Death, Carcass or Discordance Axis you'd probably like us.

Is any members of the band involved in other projects/bands?
We're always kicking things around, but not at the moment. We have too much going on right now with Cattle.

What means the cover art of your last release ?
Pretty much just that humans are crap.

Let's talk about the lyrics. What kind of topic did you write about ? Are the lyrics important for you or not really ?
There's all sorts of stuff in there. Overpopulation, medical anomalies due to shitty diet, people completely sucking, stuff like that. Lyrics are totally important. To have a theme such as death metal, then lyrics play the most important role in getting that theme across. Plus with a name like ours, the lyrics kind of have some explaining to do!

What are you thinking about lyrics which deals with typical heavy metal subject like Dragon/Gore/Serial Killers ?
Fantasy is kind of hokey and I don't get into it that much. Gore is what to me death metal is all about. Horror and gore. They go hand in hand. Same with serial killers, but while Macabre is around, you may as well not talk about those topics.

What is your opinion about France and french people in general after the conflict between GW Bush and Chirac's position about the war in irak ?
I'm sure the French people are like me. ''Leave me out of it''. That's my motto. George Bush is a business man and I don't work for him. So fuck em. I don't pay much attention to politics. Sad, but oh well… I'm busy. Leave me alone. It's not our war, and it's not the French people's war. Plus, France created such awesome bands like Magma and AIR, so that's cool.

The name of our webzine is "Violent Solutions". What ideas come to your mind with these 2 words 'Violent solutions" ?
Guns. Suicide.

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