Johan Liiva - HEARSE par TONTON - 3626 lectures
Il y a des groupes qu’on n’a pas forcement l’idée d’interviewer quand l’occasion se présente. Dans le cas présent cela aurait été dommage de se priver de cet entretien avec le sympathique Johan Liiva. Après avoir prêté sa voix à ARCH ENEMY, il roule désormais pour HEARSE qui revient en force avec un second album ces jours-ci. Petite conversation avec un chanteur plein d’humour qui a des choses à dire.

VS : Here we go for some questions Mr Liiva : At first I’d like you to explain me the title of this new recording. Have you been influenced by Marguerite Duras’s title book "Hiroshima mon amour" ?
Johan: Yeah, I actually got the idea to have Hiroshima replaced by Armageddon – it's almost the same meaning in a way so.. it sounds beautiful in a sick and twisted way somehow. I've never read the book so I'm not too deeply engaged in its contents, but I have my ideas. The title is like some kind of statement from the leaders of the world who are completely incapable of solving problems without the use of force, retaliation and repeated threats of war. That's my look at it anyway.

VS : Tell us about the writing and composing of this album ? What did you have in mind when you’ve start working on it ? Have you been influenced by some recent release during the writing process ?
Johan: The composing started as soon as we were done mixing the debut-album more or less. It's been a constant flow of music-making ever since and every now and then we recorded demos to see if it'd work later when we entered a real studio again. The only thing we had in mind was to make one helluva sequel to ''Dominion Reptilian'' – music- lyric- and productionwise at least 10 times better. Well, we're influenced all the time by everything we find somewhat entertaining – but the main-thing is that we always try to go our own way instead of throw too many eyes on what other bands may do or not do. It's important to us with variety and catchy details – that's what Hearse is all about.

VS : It seems this new album sounds in a more death métal way than the previous one and I’ve noticed the production is quite different than "Dominion reptilian". In my opinion "Armageddon" is more raw, more swedish.
Johan: But the debut is more ''primitive'' I think. It's such a typical ''first album'' in many aspects: production, lyrics, arrangements etc. The new one is definetely more mature, still we managed to maintain the brutality in that ''dirty edge'' that is so necessary to avoid getting – in lack of a better word - too cheesy – which is very easy with the wrong production and/or attitude. The best thing about the new album is that it's actually a great 2nd album – those usually tend to get a little off the hook if you don't watch out – and then on the 3rd you make THE album, so… that's really cool I think.

VS : For this release you’re using some effects on your vocals. Was it just to try something different and to reach a special atmosphere ?
Johan: If you mean like the low pitch it's the only extra effect we use I guess – and that's on that ''Turncoat''-song.. otherwise it's the usual stuff like delay and reverb. Still, we are totally pro-effects and just love experimenting with all the funny toys in the studio, haha!!

VS : The guitars are still present on "Armageddon mon amour" but it sounds less heavy metal than in the past. Does it mean Mattias is not anymore in a guitar hero’s mood or did you bind him during the guitar sessions ?
Johan: Well, it's heavy metal enough for me alright, haha!! Nah, I think he does a great performance as usual, maybe it's a little bit more ''wild and crazy'' on the new one, but that's a cool development..have in mind that he's never been in such a tough band before – and now he goes totally ape-shit on the fretboard, strings and jumps around like Angus Young. So, he's not a guitarhero – he's a guitar-masturbator!!

VS : Tell me about this Kim Wilde’s cover track. It’s very surprising for a metal band to play this kind of stuff. Did you discover some resemblance between your way or singing and Kim’s style ? (lol)
Johan: Yeeeah! You know, I took singing-lessons at the same school in Oxford as Kim, so it's natural for me to sing this kind of stuff. No, seriously… the thing with this song in particular is that it is so fucking heartbreaking, it's got that sad vibe written all over it. But then again – we could've done ''Kids in America'' as well, so…you never know with us. We are unpredictable all day long.

VS : You’ve used some different kind of percussions on "Turncoat". There’s this interesting oriental part. Could you use this kindda oriental rhythm for some futur release and by the way what do you think about oriental influences in metal (just like ORPH
Johan: We are totally crazy about all kinds of weird sounds – the sicker the better is our motto! I love the orient – and oriental music especially. Both Max and me are total suckers for Ofra Haza (R.I.P.), for example when Sisters Of Mercy used her on that new version on ''Temple of love''..aahh.. my dick hasn't been the same since the first time I heard it thanks to the goosebumps and erection I managed to develop. Amazing!!!

VS : You’ve used a tiny part of the classical italian song "Volare" on "In love and war".How did it come to your mind ? Is there a specific reason for this or were you drunk during the composing process ?
Johan: Whaaaat??! Are you kidding me??? Hahahaha!!! This ''Volare'' is the kind of song I heard as a kid at my grannie's house! No, you can't be for real about this!? It's a very funny coincidence anyway that's for sure, haha!! I gotta check it out…hmm…

VS : What kindda look do you have for your past career ? Have you even done an interview where an intelligent journalist didn’t ask you anything about ARCH ENEMY ? Is that easy to go on with HEARSE while you are receiving thousands of letters asking for y
Johan: I look back at my ''career'' with pride and joy. Without the music I would've been a zombie – and rich, haha!! My whole life depends on 3 things: music, sex and good food. On tour with Arch Enemy I satisfied my needs well over expectation, so… haha! Why am I so full of shit right now??! No, I haven't managed to avoid the ''What happened with you and Arch Enemy?''-question so far. But it's OK…that band was crucial to me for almost 6 years – just as the departure from it, so… Yes, it's easy to continue with Hearse because I enjoy more and more each day. I love this band. I'm not too worried about them asking me to join again – they won't. It's in the past you know. But I still love Arch Enemy and the time we had together – it's the best time of my life!

VS : What’s your actual playlist ? Tell us the kindda stuff you’re listening these days… (not especially metal)
Johan: Right now I am heavily into Dave Gahan's solo-album ''Paper monsters'' which is superb! I'm a huge Depeche Mode-fan since I first heard ''Violator'' back in the late 80's. Other faves are Bronx Casket Company, Alice In Chains, Rammstein, Lacuna Coil, Dark Moor (rules!), Krisiun, Moonspell, Nirvana, Dimmu Borgir, Evanescence, Stuck Mojo, Theatre of Tragedy, Cradle of Filth, Discharge, Young Gods and more… I really dislike gay-bands like Gamma Ray, Freedom Call etc which is just loser-music that sucks ten buckets of shit.

VS : What about HEARSE future ? Do you have some plans for a wold domination ? More seriously can we expect the band on a french stage sooner or later ?
Johan: First of all we'll record 5 songs for a little ''surprise'' now in 2 weeks.. the hopefully we'll start recording the 3rd album at the end of July.. then there's a tour in the BeNe(Lux) as support to Dismember & Callenish Circle in September which will kick serious butt!!! I promise you all that we'll be on stage in France sooner or later!

VS : I've read on your website you're a Dean R. Koontz. Have you ever been influenced by his books for your lyrics ?
Johan: No, not that I know of.. subconciously perhaps, but never like writing something about it. He's a great author, my absolute favourite!

VS : Thanks for the time you’ve spent answering these questions. Hope it wasn’t that boring. Last words are yours Mr Liiva…
Johan: Thanks to You for this superb opportunity to spread my words of wisdom here, haha!! For more information go to Saludos amigos!

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