Ulf (guitare) - VOMITORY par TONTON - 2586 lectures
De retour du No Mercy 2004. Nous avons posé quelques questions à Ulf, le guitariste de VOMITORY, au sujet de ce nouvel album « Primal massacre ». L’occasion d’en apprendre d’avantage sur le groupe même l’ami Ulf n’a pas montré une once d’enthousiasme en répondant à cette interview. Difficile de tenir la distance quand on est en promo et qu’on doit répondre à autant d’interviews…

Hey guys, at last VOMITORY is back with a new album and an european tour. We didn’t have any new for a long time. Why don’t you play any shows in 2003 and why did it take so long to go back with a full album ?
Actually we did a couple of shows in 2003. Not a lot but that was intentionally we wanted to focus on the song writing for the new album. Almost all of us have full time jobs and that takes a lot of time from the song writing that's why we're so ''slow''.

Tell us about “Primal massacre”. What did you have in mind when you’ve started working on it ? Are you satisfied with the final result ?
Our goal has always been to develop from every album we've made and to get more brutal for every album and I definitely think that we have achieved that for every album we've made so far. The final result on this new one is by far the best we've ever done.

Henrik Larsson supervised the recording session. You are very familiar with his way of work now. Can you imagine someone else to catch VOMITORY’s spirit in studio ? Don’t you take the risk to always have the same kindda sound ?
I personally would love to work with Collin Richardson he's one of the best producers ever. Henrik is also great and we're really satisfied with his work. We aren't afraid of getting the same sound on every album there's always some difference on every album and I think if you go to far you might loose your identity. We have intentionally worked on the last for albums to create a sound that's kind of ours and I think we have our own identity both in our music and soundvise at least to a certain point anyway.

“Primal massacre” is more brutal than you other recordings… Have you been influenced by the new wave of brutal death bands to turn that fast and heavy ? Did you call it like this because you have the feeling you’re back at something more primal ? More “in
Like I said earlier we always try to develop in all ways and we also want to get more brutal for every album. Most bands tend to get slower and less brutal for every album they do we want to go the other way.

How do you feel before an album release ? Are you a little nervous or not ? Are you playing for yourself at first and then for fans ?
It's always interesting to hear the response on a new album but the most important thing for me and the rest of the guys in the band is that we feel that we're satisfied with what we've created.

VOMITORY exists for more than 15 years now and you’ve only released 5 albums. What’s the main reason for that ? Is that because you had some line-up problems with voclist and bass player, is this because you’ve start recording album around 1996 or becaus
Mainly because we released our first album in 1996 and another big reason is the line up changes through the years. It's not easy to find members to fit into our band in this part of Sweden.

I remember some interviews I’ve done 15 years ago while there wasn’t a lot of metal musicians in Sweden. Is that more easy to run a band in Swden now than most of the country is playing death metal ? You have a lot of bands but do you have enough support
When it comes to members there's always a problem finding them if you don't live in Stockholm or Gothenburg. Sweden is a small country only 9 million people lives here. When it comes to gigs the situation has become a little bit better I guess there's more places to play now days.

You’re just back from the No Mercy tour with a bunch a brutal bands. How was the tour ? Did you have fun playing with these bands ? Is that difficult to run a big tour like this when you haven’t for a while ?
This tour was by far the best one we've done so far. We had a great time. Vomitory wants to thank all metal heads that came to see the show. The other bands where really cool it was a great line up this year. 2 weeks of metal partying it cant be any better than that.

DISMEMBER as also released their album recently. Do you think we could have a kindda old school swedish death metal revival ? What kind of look do you have on young musicians playing this sort of music ?
I definitely hope so old school Swedish death metal rules. It's great to hear new bands playing that style of music.

Last words are yours
Check out our new album it's a killer. Thanks to all who came to the No Mercy shows. Death is meant to last forever.

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