News 19/12/2014 @ 14h26

SLICE THE CAKE (Progressive Metal - UK/Suède/Australie) va sortir son nouvel album conceptuel, intitulé "Odyssey to the West", le 1er mars.

Voici son tracklisting complet : 1. The Exile i. The Razor’s Edge - 2. The Exile ii. The City of Destruction - 3. Stone and Silver i. The Mountains of Man - 4. Stone and Silver ii. The Horned God - 5. Stone and Silver iii. The Man of Papyrus Limbs - 6. Westward Bound i. The Lantern - 7. Westward Bound ii. The Pilgrim’s Progress - 8. Castle in the Sky ii. The Tree of Life - 9. Unending Waltz - 10. From Shell to Shell - 11. The Dark Carnival - 12. The Man of Ash and Rust i. The Torn Thread - 13. The Man of Ash and Rust ii. Nameless, Faceless - 14. Destiny’s Fool - 15. The Holy Mountain

L'album dure autour des 75 minutes.

Retrouvez son visuel en plus grand dans le détail de la news. (gardian666)

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