News 28/03/2012 @ 19h54

Ça bouge chez SOULFALLEN (Dark Metal / Finlande).
2012 a débuté avec l'arrivée de 2 nouveaux, Aki Hartikainen (guitars) et Aaro Lappalainen (drums) et d'un clip 'Scar Aligned' pour assurer la promo de leur 3ème album The Promise of Hell sorti en décembre dernier.
Leur 2ème album Grave New World étant pratiquement sold out, les Finlandais ont choisi de le rééditer en incluant la Demo Death of the Tyrant en bonus. Cette ressortie a été présentée en avant-première à la Finnish Metal Expo.
Autre nouvelle d'importance, SOULFALLEN a décidé de placer son nouvel album The Promise of Hell en téléchargement libre sur son site officiel (avec possibilité de donation), afin de lutter contre le téléchargement... payant. Un communiqué explique leur point de vue sur le sujet, il est visible en 1er commentaire. Pour plus d'infos voir leur » site officiel. (forlorn)

Membre enregistré
Posté le: 28/03/2012 à 16h07 - (396341)
"Playing in a band for many years and previously releasing two albums, we have discovered that due to the funding policies of various sites that sell music as downloads or provides streaming services, there is very little capital to be gained this way for the ones who have in fact created the music - the band. For this reason we have chosen to take measures into our own hands. From this day forth our third album 'The Promise of Hell' will be available for downloading for free from our official website at Yes, you heard right, it will be available FOR FREE.

In addition to making our new album available, we have posted a donate-button to our official website where anyone who downloads the new album can make A VOLUNTARY DONATION via PayPal that will go directly to the band. This way we hope to give direct means for anyone who has enjoyed and wishes to support the music of Soulfallen.

And there is a catch. Anyone who donates 2 euros or more and leaves us with their name details, will get their name printed on the booklet of our fourth album once it comes out in the future as our gratitude for your personal support.

We hope you will enjoy our new album and support the bands you wish to continue making music also in the future."



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