Irradiant Deluxe Edition with (no) media...

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Irradiant Deluxe Edition with (no) media...

Messagepar Edenbeast » sam. sept. 25, 2004 4:02 pm

Greetings from Mexico. I loved Luminiferous so I got the Deluxe Edition of Irradiant because of the videos and stuff. Yet, THERE ARE NO VIDEOS nor the extensive CD Rom section! :evil:

Am I doing something wrong or what? Is my PC fucked up? Agh, I want to see the videos!! :cry:


Messagepar Edenbeast » sam. sept. 25, 2004 4:25 pm

Nevermind. It's just my fucked-up CD-ROM, it worked at a friend's PC. Damn, I'm stupid.

Thanks for the music, guys, you fucking rule!

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Messages : 203
Inscription : jeu. août 22, 2002 1:21 pm

Messagepar napalmdirk » lun. sept. 27, 2004 6:46 pm

Edenbeast a écrit :Nevermind. It's just my fucked-up CD-ROM, it worked at a friend's PC. Damn, I'm stupid.

Thanks for the music, guys, you fucking rule!

Thanks to you man, good to hear the CD-Rom is working properly...


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