vends Laboga Mr Hector Annihilator

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Messages : 541
Inscription : lun. janv. 17, 2005 12:54 pm

vends Laboga Mr Hector Annihilator

Messagepar sylvain.ataraxie » mer. juin 18, 2014 2:48 pm

Je vends ma tête Laboga Mr Hector Annhilator, je l'ai utilisé pour enregistrer les albums "Anhédonie" et "Project X" d'Ataraxie ainsi que pour tous les lives d'Ataraxie. Vendue avec la housse et le switch. J'en demande 800€




C'est une version de la Mr Hector spécialement conçue pour le guitariste d'Annihilator Jeff Waters, fiche technique (en anglais) prise sur le site du groupe:
output power: 100/50 W (overswitched),
tubes: 4 x 6L6, 4 x 12AX7, 2 x 5C3S,
two channels: clean and distortion,
high and low input,
volume regulators - clean channel, gain and volume - distortion channel,
two separate positions, switched with footswitch, Master Volume regulators,
common tone regulation for both channels with mid Switch,
channel switching on relays,
separate bright switch for each channel,
footswitch socket: channels switching and Master Volume ,
loop effect switching on relays,
separate series effect loop for both channel,
line level Direct Output with speaker simulation,
speaker outputs: 1 x 4 ohm, 2 x 8 ohm, 2 x 16 ohm.
dimensions (width x deph x height): 690 x 268 x 250

Rear Panel:
Jeff Waters: "In addition to obviously having a killer metal amp with a crunchy, yet clear dirty channel and a powerful, yet clean channel, I needed an amp that also had separate effect loops for each of the two channels. When playing in certain halls, clubs, festivals or arenas, you will always come across some venues with really bad power = hum, buzz and noise! The issue with previous amps was that I needed to clamp down on these noises hard with an external gate but, without the separate loops, I would then end up gating the clean too hard. Now, with separate loops, I can use a stereo gate and tighten the gate on the dirty channel while leaving the clean channel relatively un-touched.

This dual loop also lets me put a nice reverb/chorus/delay on my clean channel but have this conveniently separate from the dirty channel. I am also able to compress my clean channel without the same thing happening to my dirty channel!

In addition to the transparent channel switching, there is a boost channel and some mighty fine eq's. Gain is more than enough and the amp is also road-worthy. I used it for 4 months in Europe recently without a single problem. Well done, Laboga! Great product and great people!
Dernière modification par sylvain.ataraxie le jeu. nov. 20, 2014 3:37 pm, modifié 2 fois.

Messages : 541
Inscription : lun. janv. 17, 2005 12:54 pm

Re: vends Laboga Mr Hector Annihilator

Messagepar sylvain.ataraxie » mer. juil. 30, 2014 9:36 am

toujours d'actualité

Messages : 541
Inscription : lun. janv. 17, 2005 12:54 pm

Re: vends Laboga Mr Hector Annihilator

Messagepar sylvain.ataraxie » jeu. nov. 20, 2014 3:36 pm


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