BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

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Messages : 2763
Inscription : mar. mars 30, 2004 3:06 pm

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar pearly » jeu. avr. 12, 2012 6:42 pm

Sur le site du fest :

"The Good...
Well we’ve had our few days to recover, so we’d just like to say a massive thankyou to all of you who travelled from all over the world to join us at our birthday bash. We had a fantastic time and we hope you did too, and we’re very grateful for your help in making Boltfest such a huge success and of course in raising a lot of money for Teenage Cancer Trust. We’re still waiting on the total amount raised, but as soon as we know we’ll announce it here.

As always, cheers to all the BT crew (and those who got roped in) for all your help, and a special thanks to Jon Vyner of Tidal Concerts. And of course our comrades in arms, Vallenfyre, Benediction, Discharge and Autopsy who helped make the night an absolute blast - we couldn’t wish for better bands to celebrate with!!

The Bad...

We thought we’d catered for every eventuality on the night, but unfortunately we didn’t anticipate the health and safety issues we faced at The Forum in regards to the merch area, the amount of pickpockets or the sound issues. But most disappointing were the pro merch buyers, who just saw this charity event as an opportunity to make some money, (there were already shirts up on Ebay during the show)! These bulk buyers were mainly responsible for the long queues and some people missing out on buying a shirt...

To rectify this, we have decided to print up another batch of shirts and offer them for sale to those of you who didn’t get the chance to buy one on the night.

So, please hang on to your ticket stub or keep a copy of the PDF e-ticket as proof of attendance. And more details on how to buy a shirt will follow soon..

And The Ugly...

Check here for photos of the crowd & bands.


Karl, Jo, Gav, Baz & Kiddie"

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Messages : 153
Inscription : mer. avr. 28, 2004 9:16 am

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar pyofan » jeu. avr. 12, 2012 8:01 pm

@wasted: merci pour le bootleg de Benediction, superbe !!!!!!!! hâte que tu veuilles bien mettre à dispo stp celui de Bolt Thrower !


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Messages : 154
Inscription : ven. nov. 18, 2005 10:46 am

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar evil_o » jeu. avr. 12, 2012 9:03 pm

pearly a écrit :Sur le site du fest :
To rectify this, we have decided to print up another batch of shirts and offer them for sale to those of you who didn’t get the chance to buy one on the night.

So, please hang on to your ticket stub or keep a copy of the PDF e-ticket as proof of attendance. And more details on how to buy a shirt will follow soon..

putain la méga-classe, je reste vraiment bluffé par l'attitude du groupe!
"faut pas parler aux cons, ça les instruit"

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Messages : 2273
Inscription : sam. avr. 17, 2004 9:44 am

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar wasted » jeu. avr. 12, 2012 9:21 pm

Chui le Gluon, du trou, du trou, du trou, du trou!

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Messages : 153
Inscription : mer. avr. 28, 2004 9:16 am

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar pyofan » ven. avr. 13, 2012 4:36 am

wasted a écrit :Autopsy :twisted:

thx !!!! /*/

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Electric Passmountain
Messages : 285
Inscription : sam. juil. 02, 2005 10:09 pm

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar Electric Passmountain » ven. avr. 13, 2012 2:47 pm

ZeitGeist777 a écrit :Y'avait il des people dans la salle ?

y'avait pearly Image

je trouve rien à redire sur la presta du groupe, par contre niveau ambiance j'attendais un truc de fou, ça n'a pas été le cas...

tant pis je resterai sur les deux concerts du maryland deathfest :)

"In Heaven there's no beer ! That's why we drink it down here !" The Spudmonsters

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Messages : 2273
Inscription : sam. avr. 17, 2004 9:44 am

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar wasted » ven. avr. 13, 2012 9:45 pm

Et donc pour finir : BOLT THROWER :o
Chui le Gluon, du trou, du trou, du trou, du trou!

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Messages : 153
Inscription : mer. avr. 28, 2004 9:16 am

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar pyofan » sam. avr. 14, 2012 11:44 am

tu es mon héros, merci !!!!


Messages : 12
Inscription : lun. déc. 08, 2008 3:20 pm

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar bigmetaldan » lun. avr. 16, 2012 11:53 am

Un grand merci pour tous les bootlegs postés !!!!!

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Messages : 131
Inscription : lun. août 29, 2005 3:14 pm

Re: BoltFest @London, HMV Forum - 07.04.2012

Messagepar mardak666 » jeu. mai 10, 2012 9:59 pm

genial les bootleg.merci
Shoot! Il y aura toujours un fossé d'incompréhension notoire entre moi et les gens.

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