28-29.04 - Keep It True XX @ Lauda-Königshofen (DE)

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Inscription : ven. avr. 06, 2012 8:43 am

Re: 28-29.04 - Keep It True XX @ Lauda-Königshofen (DE)

Messagepar Lax » mar. avr. 18, 2017 9:40 am

Les frangins Wahlquist de HEAVY LOAD se joignent au créneau de dédicaces de Steve Grimmett :


Hi Friends,

We are very proud, that we can present you something very special for our KEEP IT TRUE Anniversary.
HEAVY LOAD founders and bandleaders Ragne and Styrbjörn Wahlquist will do an exclusive signing session for all their fans at KIT XX.
This is the first official public appearance out of Sweden together.
We are very happy, we could organize this little wonder for you.
The signing session will take place together with Steve Grimmett from 5:15pm till 06:00pm.
Attached is the signing session update.

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